Primary cold rolling
There are six 20-high Sendzimir cold rolling mills with a cold-rolled plate width of 1450mm and a production capacity of 150,000 tons per year (calculated on the basis of a thickness of 0.5mm and a width of 1250mm). The thinnest rolling mill can be rolled to 0.08mm. The accuracy of the difference between the same strips or plates is within 3 μm. The maximum width can be rolled to 1250mm. The total production capacity is 900,000 tons per year (calculated on the basis of a thickness of 0.5mm). We have a 1450mm six-roller cold rolling mill, with a production capacity of 200,000 tons per year. Among domestic private enterprises, we have the most 20-high rolling mills. After independent research and development, improvement and digestion of international advanced rolling mill concepts, we have the best same-plate difference and the highest yield in the field of oriented silicon steel and high-grade HIB oriented silicon steel rolling.